Monday, March 10, 2014

Unexpected interruption to a day

I can tell you now how to unexpectedly pull your muscle and be immobile for potentially, entire week, as a first hand 'experiencee'.  

Its a well known story, something that happens out of blue. It can happen at the most of the unexpected times, and now after going through it myself, I can add to it, it can ruin your weekend, and it can also turn into a lazy day at home. In my case, it came in a form of pulling ligaments while trying to collect a garbage bag in the kitchen, you can guess the story of how it might have unravelled. Let me help you with a clue, it is painful, excruciatingly..

We were getting ready to leave the flat, I could almost smell the cats that would have come over to our side of the building for their food, then I bent over to grab the plastic bag, then it went arghhhhhhhh…just like that, my weekend was gone. It felt like an invisible dagger wedged on my pelvis, pointing upwards, inside. So every time I make a slight bend of my torso, or try to fully stretch my back, it would cut through. 

Sitting home, nursing, my poor wife having to do all the chores. I felt guilty enjoying lying on our super luxury sofa, watching the beautiful sunny day unfold outside. It was kinda pleasure with guilt. 

Comes Monday, doctor visit, thank god just ligaments, nothing to do with Chiropractors! Well, Physio was recommended. Enjoying the high of Panadiene Forte induced drowsiness on another sunny and beautiful day under God's kingdom.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Malaysian plane still missing

Its been more than a day since the plane went missing somewhere above Vietnam..and still no signs of it. Well some signs may be, people have pictures showing some oil spills that might be from it.But nothing concrete, no signs of it anywhere. If it had fallen in populated areas, there is no way this could be a mystery still.

Hope there is a miracle, hope it is somewhere in the forests of South East Asia, or an island where the survivors are living as castaways.

My prayers.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ok, this is it.. My giving in to Apple temptation

      Difference in CBD layout of Sydney to Singapore is that the main shops in Sydney are mixed up with the high rises of the city centre where most corporate offices are located. hence, when you step out in your lunch break, you can spend  your time going around the Hyde park or alternatively, go window shopping. The latter is what I do most of the time, actually, everyday. in the heart of the city, in the middle of George St, is the most eye catching shop of them all, and it is not a clothes shop, its fashion, kinda, Apple store.  For me its like a moth to a light, a must go place, every lunch break. Reason? to lust at the sexy Mac computers, to drool at them, watch them till my eyes got satisfied. this continued for months, but I could never muster up courage to go and buy one, it was simply too expensive, although I could afford it. Also, I had just bought a powerhouse machine in Lenovo’s Thinkpad W530 only last year, so spending more on the computing never made a strong case.

However, with temptation so close everyday, and the urge, my weaker side gave in. So yeah, one  sunny Friday afternoon after lunch at my work desk (It normally happens on Fridays..something to do with the Friday moods probably), I finally was able to persuade myself, yes, I can now safely buy a Mac, a Macbook Pro 15. When I am writing this, it reminds me of that Jeep ad..I bought a Jeep..feels the same. Well, do I regret it so far, in a couple of weeks? Nope. Macbook pro does live up to the hype and what I have been reading about it in reviews after reviews. Its clean, minimalistic design, simple to use interface and quiet silent operation of the machine itself..its all true, it is not only pleasing, but a totally different class compared to what Windows based laptops I had experienced. Although there is a portion of getting used to it, its just an experience of being with beauty, robustness, simply a different world. I still use Windows at work or my lab for professional learning, this laptop is a different company altogether. But I guess as with Microsoft bringing out garbage after garbage veiled as their operating systems, I was at a stage where I doubted if I wanted to be a Wintel engineer at all. One positive that can be counted was it made me look into other options, to be more entrepreneurial, to change direction. And I guess, mostly sub consciously, a media fed, brand associations, to be seen as 'cool'. But to tell the truth, it does feel really cool to be writing this feed on a Mac. Probably the aesthetics and the cool factor of Mac appeals to many who want to break out of the mould, to be different and in a different mindset. You might argue its all in the head..but who cares.

Of course, the with beauty comes the costs, a new monitor had to be added to the table landscape to allow for a better resolution available these days, the adapters that do not come with the Macbook Pro. It all adds up to a hefty investment. Spending few thousand dollars on a computer was never a plan on my budget, but hey, life's short and its like one of those cravings, that you never regret or even think least when you are in the thick of it.