Finally cut my current job loose and immediately felt relieved.
Relieved from the negative people that I did not want to be surrounded by any longer.
Life is short and not worth fighting the worthless battle with idiots
whose sole aim is to put you down, back bite and gang up on others, without
any care for the organisation they work for. They are masters of such antics
and seems to have worked well for them, in spite of people being aware of them.
Point is, Australian economy is not doing too well, and the job front is pretty uninspiring
at the moment. This makes for a very good 'employers' market'. This
also means little opportunities arising as companies restrain on spending
or hiring on new projects or manpower, resulting in extremely high number
of applicants for each position advertised.
If you want to honestly work and do your job, bring good change for your
company, you will most probably run into dickheads
whose method of survival is by ganging up on you.
It could be the threat they feel from
the new comers with good intention, fear of losing power as they perceive,
or just plain laziness. You can change any kind of employees, except the lazy
ones, the cancers of the workplace.
However, in such mess, you find few dedicated and inspiring people, that
makes you hopeful about the place, that it will survive in the future.
Anticipation for my new job would be I would grow towards my career goal.
Although its not an ideal that I would have imagined, its a milestone, I hope,
to the same direction.
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