Organization name: Nepal against animal cruelty (NAAC)
To stand up and advocate against animal sacrifices in the temples and religious houses in Nepal.
To achieve and raise awareness on:
- Animal cruelty, specially in the name of religion
- Image of the country in the eyes of the world with existing sacrificial rituals and traditions
- Pass on good traditions to the next generation
In order to bring an end to cruel and inhuman traditions of animal sacrifices in Nepal, we feel a need for a holistic solution that will address the issue from views of different stake holders:
- Advertising in the media about the issue to raise awareness
- Address the issue with the animal executioners and their employers
- Lobby the government to ban this nationwide
- Work with neighbouring and International governments to put an end to the heinous tradition.
Project Outline
- Create a founder group
- Register NAAC in Nepal
- Create a web site
- Design campaigning and advocacy strategy
- Involve support of prominent individuals - celebrities, politicians, social services big names.
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