Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas day fusion - Aussie, Indonesian, Chinese, Nepalese

Sea weed
Lunch table

Christmas day at my parents in laws is always a big special day, 
both for family gathering and food assembly. Having multiple Asian 
backgrounds in the mix, we always have a fusion lunch and 
dinner menu that traverses from the typical Australian barbecue, 
seafood, desserts to Asian cuisines prepared by various family 
members, of different generations.

Sautéed scallop  
Fried salmon

Luckily, lately my mother in law has relaxed her tight control
over the kitchen, so the rest of the family members can cook
something on their own. Taking advantage of which,
sometimes me and my wife join in to prepare something jointly.

Roasted potato
Fried barramundi

So the barbecue by the pool is the territory of my father in law,
control of which he has not relinquished in twenty five years,
not even to his sons and daughter and wife.
He is the bbq king in the family. So today for the Christmas lunch,
we started off with the seafood prepared by me and my wife,
salmon and barramundi fried in Nepalese herbs and spices,
which turned out to be a hit. Mother in law prepared the
rest - the prawns, Indonesian salad, Gado Gado,
roast potatoes, and other Asian items.

Boiled prawns
Pork satay

Dinner started off with my father in law taking control of the
barbecue as discussed before, my wife and I tried to invade
his territory by trying to work not he ribs, I was pushed out
but my wife stood ground and was able to finish it off.
Lots of delicacies later, the night fell in the pouring rain.

Lamb cutlet
Bbq pork ribs

Our Christmas day dinner turned out into a candle light dinner
where we had to light the mosquito repellent coil to keep the insects out.

Cendol (Indonesian dessert)

For three generations bounded by family tradition and the good food,
it was a nicely spend Christmas day.


Indonesian salad

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