In a complete turnaround from a beautiful day yesterday, Australia had a very wet day to 'celebrate' its day. We wanted to check the 'Australia day' celebrations at both sides, the victors that celebrate this day, the Anglo occupiers, and the 'vanquished', the natives who call this a 'Survival day' instead. Its truly a black and white affair, literally. White Anglo Saxon prisoners condemed to die in an isolated island sailed sails to the shores here and virtually wiped off the 'black' culture of the native Aboriginies who called this place home from thosands of years before. There is no grey to the truth.
However, would you rather the British took over, or say, Indonesians, Chinese or Japanese colonized this vast land? Emm..not a very hard choice to make.
First stop the Yabun festival at Camberdown park near the University of Sydney. In a slightly less than colorful affair (I mean bells and whistles) that is usually visible at the similar events in Sydney, the aboriginies arts, culture, traditions and history was at display, mostly arts in the form of handmade goods, the infamous boomrang, T-shirts and slogans of freedom. Freedom?? makes you wonder, isn't this land already free?? Well, not for everyone obviously. It really appeared going around, Australia is a land of oppression. You could clearly see the aboriginies' sad and angry faces during the event. Its clear they are 'marking' the event rather than 'celebrating'.
We enjoyed a nice rap/reggae music open concert, which had some angry rappers sing about the oppression. A moderate sized crowd of mostly indigineous were braving the constant drizzle.
We had our big broken umbrella up most of the time, taking care not to poke others in the eyes.

Like I said, it was quite a black and white day. To top it all, Bony Tabbot has given Prince Phillip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, the highest honor of Australia. What a joke made out of the Australia day. Anybody want Republic of Australia, Bill Shorten can't wait, so can't a large majority.
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