Friday, May 2, 2008


I haven't slept in two days, and I feel fine. This Active
Directory migration we are doing for a client spread
across Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra has got me totally
hammered down. On top of that, another problem with
a fax server kept our Sydney team awake till 3 in the morning.
Well, for myself, it was work as usual yesterday morning,
after starting my day at seven the day before that.
I am busy, making others richer, making companies
stronger, banks richer; at cost of my own life,
health and happiness. Dunno what's the point of
all this labor, why do I have to work so hard and still
be poor and barely surviving? While its true the rich guys
at the top work hard, they don't take vacations,
I feel I am becoming a workaholic, burning myself
out, for what, I don't know.

Well well, what's the point in whinning ? Everybody's
life is like that in Sydney.
It started to hit me, with my head going a bit dizzy.

Watched a Hindi movie called 'Provoked', starring Ash, the story
itself is about domestic abuse of a woman. But a line from it
lingers in my mind, this is when her cell mate asks Ash how
she feels about being in jail for murdering her abusing husband
by burning him alive. Her reply 'I feel, free' in a broken tone,
was just too powerful.