Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pope fiasco

And pope is here for the last day today.
Anybody miss him?
The ones that would do so, half a million of them
presumably, are beginning to leave. I have been
hearing of the traffic logs and packed Sydney airport
on the FMs while on the way to work.
Fun times..kinda anti climax for Sydney siders.
Dunno why, I just can't beleive when they
try to feed us down from our throats,
the craps that are cruxed around the mystics of
of a dead man coming from out of nowhere (heaven??)
to save, well, only the chosen ones.
What would happens to non beleivers, to
billions of animals, plants and the Earth
itself? My purely simplistic curiosity gets
better of me when I try to look from thier eyes,
is God only for humans?? And in particular,
only different is this from
any other in-tolerant religious beliefs?
This is why I choose to side with the fact
of natural law, and karma,
what goes around comes around.
That is God, nature.Can't help thinking
but the robes and hypocrisy surrounding all this
Papal mass and Christian fiasco is a bit
underwhelming to me, kinda too lame,
may be I am ignorant, may be I choose to
think for myself. May be people have too much
emptiness in lives, anything would fill,
anything that dulls your mind to give yourself
a false sense of fullfulment, 'belonging to
the Universe', false sense of enlightment. It
seems like a big creed, a cult and a mass hysteria to me.

Churches have always been fraught with
politics, sexual abuse of children, men and
women, greed and lust. Its all too familiar.,23599,24076648-421,00.html

There was this bishop who in an open
press conference dared suggest a
family whose daughter was repeatedly
abused by a priest (a priest!!??? what's
going on here, isn't something terribly
stinky to ignore??) to basically shut up and
move on..'as the others have'!!
And a hollow and hurried apology from the
Pope was to follow, somehow too ringing,
somehow devilish. He even met the victim's
family today, but where does it hurt most?
Would this bring about the 'cleanup' in the
churches, something bizarre. Do we need
a church police? If the good of Christianity
is to be found, it can be found in the
peoples' hearts and kindness, openess and
tolerance, forgiveness and morality;
basics that are built into every human

Why would we have to believe in this lesson of
tolerance and openness from these
self appointed servants of God?
To me its so twelvth century, backward
and sheepish; how could people turn
out for this so called 'pilgrimage'is beyond me.
Are we sure this is not a part of a big
power play? Isn't vatican comparable to
the clergy of Khomeini in Iran? Something
that controls the political and social
life of that country?

Sydney by itself is a beautiful city,
worth visiting, no need for a stupid pretex.
And a huge boost to brothels trade in
Kings Cross during this 'piligrimage'
is not a coincidence, as everyone knows.