Monday, June 18, 2012

Anti Hillary Clinton GP

Its been a woman's day today for me, feels like I have been
'women studded'. Nursing my sore throat for this year (this
pretty much looks like a once a year activity for me anyway),
had to revisit the medical centre today as
my previous prescription of anti biotics failed to bring in any
improvements on the sick department.

So after waiting for the whole wk to get better,
I had to take action and left to seek a doc this morning.
My manager was kind enough to let me off hook.
Being in his position, I would have been
pissed off, not to have one of your senior engineers
unavailable for whole wk. Anyway, I started off
with the library, where I returned some old borrows
and got few new readings.
One of the books was an autobio by Hillary Clinton.
I had it with me while I waited at the Medical centre,
and carried it in my had with me when I got called by
my doc.She was a middle aged lady, carrying herself
quite stylishly. I put my book in her table,
after the regular patient-doctor pleasantries, she asks
me to take a seat. It is the Clinton book that is the
first thing she notices, smiling face of Mrs Clinton
on the cover. She asked me excitedly
but with a tinge of satire..u reading this book?
I said I haven't, yet, but going to soon.
She fires up, I don't sympathize with rich
people. What about all the women who suffer in Africa?
What has she done for them?? I was bit stunned.
Then I replied, well, I admire
her for what she has achieved as a woman.
I am not a big fan of hers but you know as a good
politician,isn't she remarkable?
She shook her head, obviously
wanting to dig more and enciting
the argument. I had to smile and think geezz..
that is one anti Clinton woman here.
I asked her being a woman, doesn't she
admire Clinton as a woman
achiever, after all she is a woman he.
She would not budge..taking the book into
her hands and flipping some pages and banging it
down on the table.
I was thinking, well, the old saying
went women are their own worst enemies..emm.

As for the diagnosis of my throat problem, think
she did quite well. She correctly pointed out that I
was given a wrong medicine. That is what I thought too,
thanks to Google, my sore throat is viral,
antibiotics would not have helped at all.

Then my mind swirled around a bit looking into
day's and a recent history of past wk.
Emm..the privous doc who prescribed a-biotics
was a woman, a Chinese one. The entire library fleet
of staff is made up of women..all of them..100%.
I went to a nearby pharmacy to get the anti inflammatory
medicines..again all the pharmacists,
and support staff are women.
I had a coffee at the mall, cashier girl, coffee made by
another.. girl

Hmm..Australia, pretty good gender balanced I guess.

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